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Book Review 2019

These are the books I read and loved in 2019

Becoming By Michelle Obama : My 2019 started with reading this book. I enjoyed the first half of the book about Michelle's childhood, struggles with disable parents. Even after her high counselor's harsh comments how she made it to Princeton. How , against all odds her and Barak made it to white house. After white house , it became a bit political , that I did not like much.

Inheritance by Dani Shapiro: A memoir of genealogy, paternity, and love. A middle aged woman took a 23&me genealogy test just for fun. It took her whole world upside down as she found she was conceived by artificial insemination. She was able to track down her biological father and met him . This story is better than any fiction. Twist and turns in every pages.

Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg: I had high hopes for Smarter Faster Better , as I loved Charles Duhigg's previous book  Power of habits .It missed the mark for me . It is basically an extension of the fundamental concepts of previous book. However, Duhigg was clever enough to incorporate examples of lot of well know influencers. It's a good read. But if you already read Power of habits, there is very little for you to learn.

Educated by Tara Westover : This is a memoir by a mormon person, who against all odds , became a professor. We was born in a large mormon family, never attend school, her parents were against schooling, from there she managed to attend college and eventually became a professor for university of Cambridge.  Her struggles seems unreal

The Proposal By Jasmine Guilory : This is a semi erotic romantic novel of a bi- racial couple. Light read for stressful time.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert : This is a famous book , which turned into movie. It is a long waited read for me. Everyone , sometime feels trapped in their own life. It's all about how the writer find a way back to herself , after feeling trapped in depression followed by a lost pregnancy.

City of girls by Elizabeth Gilbert: The story takes place in 1940s new york city. How the city changes perspective of seemingly traditional girls views of the world. This is a story about liberalism, friendship , sex glamour, war , feminism. A herd to put down masterpiece by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Where the crawdad sing by  Delia Owens:  ( spoiler alert) This is a murder mystery novel. It's a surviving story of a young girl alone in the marshland of North Carolina. The writer keep you engaged thru out the book. All the twists and turns of the story keeps you root for the marsh girl, even if she is guilty of the crime.

The Algebra of Happiness by Scott Galloway: This is the second book by NYU professor, venture capitalist Scott Galloway. It's more of a monologue by 50+ successful person, who finds life's happiness thru seemingly small joys of life. Good read , but nothing profound.

The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money by Jill Schlesinger : This is a book by CFP Jill Schlesinger. If you follow Jill's podcast, most of the concepts are not new. One thing I disagreed with her about buying house. From pure financial viewpoint , buying house might not be worth the risk. However, for most people house is not just a financial transaction on the balance sheet. It's a place where you make memories. I find this book lack of emotions, which is how good financial decisions should be made. 


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