My 2018 priorities were my career and parenthood. It was super difficult to drop the ball on everything else. I struggled to keep my head straight. Ultimately all my hard work payed off. I was promoted to more senior managerial position. For my other priority, I made sure, I spend quality time with Ishaan every week. We explored zoo, museums, music , swimming, craft classes, waterfalls, small hikes, libraries and many more things together. I took her to 2 international trips.i.e. Toronto and Dhaka. Her vocabulary got visibly better after each trip. It's amazing to watch her grow from a baby to toddler .
As for my 2018 achievements :
1. I decided to meditate at least 5 minutes a day . I spent 1786 minutes meditating this year.
2.I tried to do something new each month to push my comfort zone. I experienced quite a few fun things.
3. I took Ishaan to 2 international trips.
For 2019 I would like to do :
1. Get back to a healthy active lifestyle. That means cutting back on junk foods and stay active.
2. Actively disengage from toxic people and activities that doesn't interest me.
3. Start blogging again. I plan to write 12 blogs in 12months. Here are the url for 2 of my blogs ( and ( Please follow , comment and subscribe to keep me accountable
1. Get back to a healthy active lifestyle. That means cutting back on junk foods and stay active.
2. Actively disengage from toxic people and activities that doesn't interest me.
3. Start blogging again. I plan to write 12 blogs in 12months. Here are the url for 2 of my blogs ( and ( Please follow , comment and subscribe to keep me accountable
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