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Crtl + Alt + Del (leaving Texas edition)

I left my job as a Information technology specialist at oxy petroleum last week. The good bye was hard. My manager took the team out for lunch.  I was pretty sad to say good byes to all the nice people I worked with for the past two years. However all of a sudden, I realized this place will function just fine without me. People will come to work, have lunch , gossip.... whatever they do every damn day.
All is good. I'm taking about two weeks off between jobs. My new job requires leaving Texas and moving to 2200 miles away in Washington (not D.C , the state)

This is my Crtl + Alt + Del.  I decided to take this time to chill, try new things , and I'll write about each day.

4/6- 4/7
The weekend was pretty mellow. Yeameen came to keep me company. We went for a run. I was hesitant , as I know how competitive he is and my fitness level is not quite there yet. It was sweet of him , coming back for me , when I was falling behind. However, It reminded of my mom and dad walking together.  They walked in different pace and my dad always had to come back to get my mom, as she is not in very good shape. I felt very bad about myself. I don't wanna fall behind :(
I cooked quinoa for him and my sister. They both seemed to like it. Rithia took us for a farewell dinner. It was north Indian place called ' Maharaja Bogh'. They treat people like Maharaja., wash your hand and stuff. Interesting service. Some of the food items were quite good. It was quite spicy though.

Watched 2 hours premier show of Mad Men season 6 . I think Don is going to commit suicide at the end. Lets see.
Eating cereal for lunch. It reminds me my long gone student days :) . Fun but not very sustainable for the long run. Again I 'm rebooting.
Got Breaking Dawn Part 2 from red box. So it's going to be a twilight kind of night :)

Watched Breaking Dawn (part 2) . Yes it's cheese and I liked it. The most funny part was when Jacob  asked Edward  - "Should I start calling you Dad?". I cracked up .
Talked to the realtor in Seattle, she gave us some suggestion of places.  We are still deciding. Sometimes I feel so uncertain, as I leave Texas, I have no place to go yet !!!
I'll be having a party at my place with my Houston friends next weekend. Need to start planning the food and the fun.

I got two good news today. My cousin brother had a baby. It's the 1st born of  the next generation of our family. May be this will take away some off the sorrows of our recent loss.
Also a friend of mine got engaged.  All the drama of her engagement  reminds me of my suffering through and afterwards. I don't know why does parent's ( specially south east Asians) need to make things so complicated??

Why does good news always followed by a bad one? This morning  , I learned my mum (grand ma) had a heart attack. First we thought it might me a minor one. After some tests doctor said It was a massive one. She needs to go through angioplasty immediately. She is about 80. So, the procedure is very risky on her. Please keep her in your prayers.

The went by pretty mellow. I prepared tuna chop (patties) for the party. It was my first time making it. Usually I don't follow recipe. I always add, mix things that compliments the palate. So can't make same thing twice. Since , I 'm inviting people over, I tried to follow the recipe like bible.  But, the  dough somehow has so much moisture that I couldn't give it any shape for deep frying.
I threw everything away and start over without following the recipe.  It turned out quite good :)

My farewell party was a great success. Everyone had so much fun. We played jenga, charred and had so much. I regained my title as Ultimate Jenga Champion. First , I wasn't sure to invite both deshi and American friends together. Everybody seems to have fun and Food was awesome too.

This morning Rithia and I went for 5k graffiti run. After late adda at last night it  was hard to wake up at 6.30 am.  How ever I wanted to do something fun with her before I leave.  It was so much color , music and fun.

This morning I realized there is only 2 more days before I say bye to Texas. As soon as I realized I still need to do so many things. I'm kind of overwhelmed. Though the relocation company is handling most of the packing , unpacking , still there is so many things I need to do before leaving.
There were terrorist attack in  prestige Boston Marathon. I'm not feeling safe. I don't know whats gonna have next.

It was a hectic day. I finally start packing and it's a lot.
I transferred my lease to Jesus. That's a huge relief.  I was hopeless about the lease, since I only had 2 months left. I was so lucky to find him. His dad has diagnosed with brain tumor , So he is here for his treatment at M.D. Anderson 2 months. I instantly feel like helping him.
Tandra apu hosted a farewell dinner for me. The food was awesome.
I couldn't sleep at night as the moving times coming closer.

The moves came in the morning. Pack everything and put it in a van. It was quite strange to be in an empty apartment. The guy taking over my asked if he can stay in my place for the night , as I 'll be leaving with Rithia. I let him, I feel bad for the poor guy.
At night Anwar chachu came, Chachi sent amazing desserts. Rithia made khichuri and I made tuna kubob. It was nice to have family dinner  on my last night in Houston.
It was really hard to say bye to Rithia. I start crying, and she was trying to put out a macho attitude as usual, though I know she will miss me as well.

the morning was pretty hectic. I waited for the shuttle to come in my old apartment. The driver couldn't find my place. I had to walk to the gate with luggage. The guy who took over my lease over helped me to carry my heavy luggage to the main gate.
Yeameen was supposed to meet me at the Houston airport. He was flying in from Dallas. His flight was an hour and 40 minutes late. I was so scared that he wouldn't make it.
I boarded as usual , How ever our pilot was late. So Yeameen barely made it. but His luggage didn't .
As soon as the plane touched sea-tac airport I realized, I came here with an one way ticket. I left Texas for good. I start crying.


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