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I get off from work at late night, around 12 0’ clock. I like to walk home. While walking back home, I have two companion with me, IPOD and enormous night sky. Since I walk down the same way, I like to look above and watch the spectacular night sky. It appears to me different each night.
The blue-black heavens dotted with sparkling lights as the darkness enveloped the surroundings, with the shadows of trees breaking the outline of sky and earth to provide a nocturnal piece of art. From my perch on the world, I assumed everyone had this view.
I see a different sky every night. Each star is not in a fixed location nightly, nor is the moon the same fullness, nor is the clouds in the same places. The night before was the same canvas with a different painting? If you observe closely you will find the difference very easily. When there is cloud, the night sky turns deep purple. I am sure there is a scientific reason behind this. But I am interested most in its’ heavenly beauty. It looks the prettiest in the full moon. All the sparking stars hide themselves in the soft, white moon lights. I live right next to symmetry. In moon light, all the gravestones look very peaceful. There is a stray dog, which lives in this graveyard. Sometimes it follows me to home. As if it is trying to protect me from any harm.
But, when there is no moon in the sky, it looks as if it is swallowing the whole world because everywhere you look you can see the dark sky surrounding you. It is very overwhelming to look at something so enormous and me being so small, as like a mere speck of dust upon the earth. I don’t understand most things in this universe, war, love, hate, cars, mosquitoes. I do, however, completely comprehend its beauty. God was having fun when He created this universe, using colors galore, and all shapes and sizes. It's quite mind-blowing, though, to think about its vastness. I don't think I've ever wondered more about anything. . . . Imagination is what brings this whole universe together, and without it, the world would be flat.


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