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Showing posts from February, 2007


I get off from work at late night, around 12 0’ clock. I like to walk home. While walking back home, I have two companion with me, IPOD and enormous night sky. Since I walk down the same way, I like to look above and watch the spectacular night sky. It appears to me different each night. The blue-black heavens dotted with sparkling lights as the darkness enveloped the surroundings, with the shadows of trees breaking the outline of sky and earth to provide a nocturnal piece of art. From my perch on the world, I assumed everyone had this view. I see a different sky every night. Each star is not in a fixed location nightly, nor is the moon the same fullness, nor is the clouds in the same places. The night before was the same canvas with a different painting? If you observe closely you will find the difference very easily. When there is cloud, the night sky turns deep purple. I am sure there is a scientific reason behind this. But I am interested most in its’ heavenly beauty. It looks the ...